Saturday, September 20, 2008

Host city and family

It was a three hour plane ride to Anshan from Shanghai. At the airport many people were amazed to see an African-American one woman commented on my nose and hair. Here my hair is coolest thing ever. My host family is very kind and friendly. They feed a lot, always telling to eat more and more. My city is not very urban but you can tell from all the construction that it is growing very quickly. I don't think it will look the same at the end of the adventures in China. School is amazing and I am incredibly popular everyone wants to eat lunch with me and wants to help with my Chinese. I can only understand about half of what my teachers are telling me but it is okay. I will just keep studying. I can tell from school and home that there is a strong investment in cleanliness and being helpful. I will get involved in more clubs at my school and to get to know more people. I want to explore what my school has to offer. I was told that my school is oldest and best school in Anshan so I know that there is a lot to do. My Chinese classes are great, I never had a language class where my teacher doesn’t speak English.

1 comment:

M Halsey said...

Thanks for sharing your news, Philmon. We're so proud of you! Please post a video or photos if you can! By the way, thanks for getting all of your family members to apply for OneWorld Now! :) from Kristin