Monday, October 13, 2008

Hamlet in Chinese

Yesterday in Chinese class I quoted the "to be or not to be that is my question" line form Hamlet but I said it in Chinese and I was proud of myself. Everything else has been going I have been putting a great effort towards practing spoken and written Chinese and I can really see the improvement. Just four days ago I talked with a group of my friends here for like a solid 30 mintues I was impressed with my improvement. Every night before I go to bed I try to learn new characters and I also have tests every week on characters. Now that I am in a routine everything is running a lot more smoothly than it was in September. The food is great, the people are great, and city is amazing especially 219 park it is really interesting. I will get some pictures or videos soon. Thanks again for all the surpport. Talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

Hii Philmon! My name is Tuyen [twin'] I met you at OneWorld Now's summer camp. You talked to me about spending your senior year in China. So, I was wondering if I could interview you for the Franklin Tolo. It'd be really cool to see your outlook on OWN! C: Reply back to me as soon as you can at

Unknown said...

Hi Philmon!
It seems that you are having great time there! I hope you will have great time through the year!
