Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Its all good

Everything in China has been going great. I am improving my Chinese and making friends. I just recently learned how to play Chinese chess, I am not that great but I feel really cool when I play. Even though I have been here for a month everybody still looks at me like I just arrived, but they are still very friendly and want to talk with me. For all the students at OneWorld Now! I was doing a little research for college and stumbled upon the US department of State web site for people applying to work in the foreign service, The US dpeartment of State says that Mandarin Chinese and Arabic are "super critical" languages to know and they actually add points to your application to work in the foreign service. So congrats your off to a good start. I have been thinking about how China's population is so large, and the size made me think that everybody no matter what race must have someone that looks like them in China, so I have been keeping an eye out for people would remind of home. So far I found Jennifer, from the OWN office, and couple of my friends from high school, I am keeping an eye out for Kristin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Philmon! Glad to hear that you found me in China, and I understand I am looking as young as ever! :)
It is great to read your entries, a highlight to my day. Keep it up and take care - Jennifer